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In the Station of the Metro

The apparition of these faces in the crowd:

Petals on a wet, black bough.

  -   Ezra Pound  (Pound, E. (1913).In the Station of the Metro. Poetry.)


#DES101: Text
#DES101: Image

Poster 1

This poster is inspired by Ezra's Pound's imagist poem "In the Station of the Metro"(Pound, E. (1913).In the Station of the Metro. Poetry.) I used the geometric shape, the circle, to signify petals (people) on a harsh black branch, using Gestalts law of closure, the space between the circles suggests a rectangular form. For harmonious composition, I cut out the circles in the golden ratio in relation to each other. I also placed them on the paper using the rule of thirds and also using a theory from one of the readings, that "when objects are reduced in size and placed in the lower corner of the page, They appear to be racing to exit the image" 1, I implemented this theory as I felt it helped reflect the bustling, busy people the poem talks about, the movement to the right mimics the movement of the crowd in the metro. Another theory from the same reading I used was asymmetrically placing the circles and cropping the edges to create tension and organized chaos. I cut the circles out with slightly irregular, not quite smooth edges to add an organic sense to the overall harsh design.

1 - Dabner, D., & Swann, A. (2014). 

Graphic design school : the principles and practice of graphic design. John Wiley & Sons.

#DES101: Image
IMG_0098 2.jpg
#DES101: Image

Poster 2

My poster 3rd is a horror movie poster, inspired by Ezra's Pound's imagist poem "In the Station of the Metro"(Pound, E. (1913).In the Station of the Metro. Poetry.). I used lines to create a simple representation of an underground train station, creating the lines are white against a black background to create a dynamic contrast. All were specifically placed to converge into a single point to draw the viewers eye immediately into that point, giving it immediate salience (1). After the eyes are drawn in to the point, the 'A' which has its tip partially included in the point drags your eye down, reading the title of the movie, and then finally your eyes see the read as blood and read the release date of the movie. I used blood to signify horror, and to communicate that as the theme of the movie, which creates instant recognition by a viewer of this being a movie poster. The use of a simple black, white and red colour theme helps to emphasize the red blood further, due to the high contrast between the colors.


1 - Bradley, S. (2010, July 12). Points, Dots, And Lines: The Elements Of Design Part II. Vanseo Design.

#DES101: Text
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