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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Davidson-Sims

Birdly Case Study #DES241 #MixedRealities

Home. (2020). Retrieved 31 August 2020, from
Home. (2020). Retrieved 31 August 2020, from

Birdly is a multisensory VR experience which creates the illusion and feeling of flying like a bird. It utilises VR visuals, wind, sound and haptic feedback to make this experience as immersive as possible. Combining real senses, the wind from a fan machine and haptic feedback from "wings", with the virtual reality of visual input and sounds, makes the experience more believable to the human consciousness and to create a strong sense of presence. This case study is an example of the different possibilities that VR technology presents, especially when combined with other sensory technologies.

Birdly uses a haptic rig which moves with the human body to create immersion. The user also uses 'wings', which relay feedback to the program, allowing the user to control their flight in real-time. A fan is situated in the front of the rig, with the intensity of the wind changing according the speed the user is flying in the VR.

I selected birdly as a case study because it is the only VR experience I have seen that utilises a haptic rig in such an immersive way, very reminiscent of the VR Haptic rigs used in Ready Player One. I think that in the future of VR we will see the use of haptic feedback more and more, as it creates a strong sense of presence and creates far more opportunities for VR development.

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